Wednesday, January 15, 2014

W3aponz foR wArzzz

W3aponz foR wArzzz



* 8 set multi (per set 5 team)
* 3 types of Random flood (emot change + counting)
* 2 Types counting flood (with bullet speed)
* DC code flood
* Flood Manual time interval
* Target id abuser
* 5 text Random flood
* Helper(dalal) detector
* Bullet speed kick
* spy Chat on multi window with 3 IDs
* Unlimited Room Monitor(specialy for spy admin rooms:D)
* multi auto leave on start kick
* Auto enter IDs
* Force to leave
* Singel Multi chat by select Id
* Multi Auto chat
* Hide my ID from list
* Multi team manger

= ADMIN Detector

* Invisible admin detector
* super fast admin detect
* manual Time interval for detect
* auto multi leave+logout on admin detect
* sound alert
* pop up show admin name
* alert if detector ID got suspend

= Team Messenger

* Unlimited Spy ids for chat
* spy auto left on start kick and another spy auto enter in room
* Manual enter by select ID
* Big chat window
* Get list

= Smart kicker

* 2 Set unlimited ID for kick
* Text before kick by Singel id (Editable text)
* Kick Target and stay
* Kick Target and leave (roll kick)
* kick target and Vote slowly (manual delay)
* Faster Get list

= Brutal Kicker

* 12 ids for brutal kick
* bullet speed kick
* unlimited Target ID for brutal kick
* Black list ( that mean it will auto kick black list user)

= Roller Flooder

* 2 set unlimited IDs
* Text roll flood
* super Enter left flood
* manual time interval for roll
* Ping up IP

= GC flooder

* 1 set unlimited multi ids
* bullet speed flood with manual delay
* 1 inviter ID
* invite Unlimited ID in GC

= Password changer

* Unlimited IDs set
* set and change security question and answer
* Check balance
* super speed check banned ids
* Check level
* View multi Ids result
* IDs save with result ( low level+ high Level + active ID + Banned ID + balanced ID)

= Boomb Inviter

* Unlimited ID for send friend request

= Private flooder

* Unlimited ID for pvt flood
* Random and auto pvt flood target ID
* manual interval
* you can send Boomb gift by this option

= Remote Controler

* 1 ID for mobile remote control
* built in commands
* you can control this soft by mobile

= Winamp updator and stylish chatter

* 1 ID for chat
* WInamp update on room
* you can edit winamp update text
* Winamp Update on status
* stylish chat
* Red text chat

= Voter

* Unlimited IDs
* Like vote
* footprint
* profile follwer

= Group joiner

* 1 set unlimited IDs for join group


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