Wednesday, January 15, 2014


1) Auto Vote
2) Auto Enter
3) Auto Kick
4) Touch Kick
5) Level Kick : kick user with mentioned level
6) Low Level Kick : if u write 10 level,level below 11 will be kicked
7) Match User Kick : if match user text=last then ll entering ids with ?last? will be kicked
Shadow kick : last entered user id will appear in shadow textbox press shadow kick if u want to kick them
9) Black List Kick : Add ur enemy ids in black list ,u can save up to 1000 black list ids
10) Leave On Admin Detect : Superfast leave on admin detection
1) You can run 4 set at a 120 ids= 4 x 30
2) Auto Alive all multi ids
3) Check balance for all multi set
4) Auto left for all multi ids
1)10 spy ids
2)manual enter ids
3)all ids with auto leave
4)auto swap id if id gets kicked
5)manual swap id
log in ur admin spy and enter it in room for detection.
Detected admin will appear in list.
1) Auto flood with 10 ids
2) EMOCATION flood with 10 ids
3) Save and load option for flood texts
4) Custom floods
5) Boom PVT flood
6) Boom pvt flood to all user of room
7) One man Army flood


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